

Weekly Rites 1-20-2012: Transparency from Clare Byrne on Vimeo.

i'd like to think that, being here in Italy, i am in a place where time gets 'tossed up...does not cloak, stick, hold them down...' as my friend and colleague Clare Byrne observed when she stayed with me two weeks ago.
that, even for an instant, i fade away in a stream of light dancing around like a deer caught in mud and time is held. it may be that, in my own head, i'm refusing to commit to that possibility. that's the new yorker in me that i can't shake.
i self produced my first show back in nyc last month- or technically, this month. we built and performed the piece in 8 days, had a full house, made some money. i guess it's all about perspective; because to have been able to have accomplished all that with so little time together, time really must have been standing still.
it was one of the most intense, beautiful months ever- much due to the support and good company of family, friends and all of that back breaking work.  you really do receive according to what you put out, and according to what you let in.

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