june 11
This had to have been the most perfect day to chat with Meredith in what seemed to be an impression, or wedge of a Roman ampitheatre in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.
We talked about language, and family- how it feels to try and enter the hive without disrupting the flow... attempting to acclimate as quietly as possible, yet feeling oversaturated by the stimuli you've been immersed in.
At first, your role as an outsider seems a most delicate one, making simple things such as getting the morning bread feel incredibly daunting; everyone is so set in their ways and change plays the unwelcome stranger/squatter.
There's a period of time within newness when people either aren't or are willing to accept. For the newcomer, that moment seems to suspend itself in midair and time stops, just enough for people to get a good look at you from all angles, tell you what they think, and move on.
The scent of the roses is wonderfully dizzying... I feel my weight resting comfortably, confidently on this bench back in New York.