
myself on a wall (or, preserves); preserves (or, myself on a wall)

a film by sharon estacio*

filming, editing, photography, text, solo performance & choreography: Sharon Estacio
music: Kanye West, Sonic Youth, Pussycat Dolls (Amici clip)

originally commissioned by Women In Motion: BLUEPRINTS
as part of the Estrogenius Festival 2008

artist's note:

In the past year I've had the pleasure of asking myself the question of who I've become and what I'm trying to be as a performer; in the process of being held in limbo between two countries, I've been afforded much time in isolation. And in remaining the quiet vessel of observation (although, admittedly, many times out of fear and intimidation of interacting) I have created my blueprint; a display of all those that have informed me, educated me, influenced me and built me thus far. You are seeing me, as I am, now; and what I see, in this very moment.

*performance note:

In the performance space was an installation (placed below the film projection) of names of family members, friends and various people of significance that I've crossed paths with; the names were written on preserved leaves gathered in Vermont September 2008.

